pdf files not found

  • Answered
I have password protected pdf files on my website but when trying to access them in Chrome and sometimes in Firefox get a "file not found" error. How do I correct this. The files are present.
Thank you for your question stellarmedia!

Typically, a file not found error is caused by several things, however, the most common cause is the file name not being accessed by the correct file name.

Linux is case sensitive. For example, MyPDF.pdf is not the same as mypdf.pdf. This includes the file type as well. A .pdf is read differently than .PDF. When naming the file names, make sure there are no spaces as well. The browser will add %20 for spaces even though the server will show a space in the name. The good file naming convention is to use all lower case and an _ for spaces. For example, my_pdf.pdf.

For further help with this, please give the domain name and where to see the error, and we can look further into the error.

Best regards

James R