
GDPR compliant

  • updated
  • Answered


I would like to make 200% sure that you are compliant with UN regulations regarding data protection. GDPR. Otherwise I need to change the hosting services to another compliant company within the UN. Could you please tell me :

1. Until when do I have my hosting already paid. 2. I found a great hosting for 161 euros per year including even more of what I currently have with you. 3. Could you please tell me how to transfer my web into the new hosting if necessary? Many thanks in advance

  • Answered

Hi Carolina Caparros Alvarez, 

Thank you so much for your questions! To confirm your renewal date, if you haven't already, please contact our Customer Service department. Unfortunately, we cannot post account-specific information in the public forum. However, our Customer Service department will be able to confirm your renewal date quickly! 

Also, you can transfer your domain, making us your domain registrar, or point your domain to us by changing your nameservers -- allowing us to host your website. If you're not sure which action to take, here is the difference between transferring your domain and simply changing your nameservers. You can also contact our live 24/7 support for assistance. 

Though you can choose any hosting provider, we're happy you decided to trust us with your hosting needs! 

Kindest regards,
