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Our church has a weekly bulletin and I submit a full page every week. All the pages have the same default spacing but when I send my page the spacings don't match up because I edit it to fil everything in. So when the bulletin editore "copies and pastes" my page in, she has to spend a bit of time respacing. Is there a way to make this more of a seemless process?

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I think I can explain what is going on: when you write a post on a WordPress site (or most other sites that publish articles), the site software automatically adds code (like HTML) to format the text. When you copy and paste the text into an email, the result you get is going to depend on your email software. Some software will import its own version of the original text's code, others will remove the formatting entirely. 

If you want to preserve the formatting, my advice is to just send the plain text of the article to your editor. Then, the editor can either format the text using HTML and create an HTML email, or design the bulletin and save it as a PDF to preserve the exact formatting.

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I think I can explain what is going on: when you write a post on a WordPress site (or most other sites that publish articles), the site software automatically adds code (like HTML) to format the text. When you copy and paste the text into an email, the result you get is going to depend on your email software. Some software will import its own version of the original text's code, others will remove the formatting entirely. 

If you want to preserve the formatting, my advice is to just send the plain text of the article to your editor. Then, the editor can either format the text using HTML and create an HTML email, or design the bulletin and save it as a PDF to preserve the exact formatting.