DNS changes

  • Answered

I changed the nameservers for www.crestbd.ca, which is an account on my vps, over 24 hours ago to the inmotion nameservers, but it doesn't seem to be taking. I know there can be some erratic behaviour with DNS changes, but I haven't seen the site become unfindable (the old one or the new one) before. I was hoping you might be able to look into it from your end to make sure everything is as it should be.


Hello Steven,

Thank you for getting with us about your domain name. It seems the domain failed to set up in our clusters correctly. Our Tier 2 department has reset the process specifically for your domain. This may take up to 24 hours, but usually resolves in about 4 hours. Once resolved, your domain should display normally from your server.

Best Regards,
Scott M