Hello revivi5,
We do not place any popups, ads, dropdowns, or any other type of advertisement on any of our client's websites. The only exception to this is a footer tag on sites that are designed by our web design team.
I checked and do not see any type of ad or dropdown on your site, nor do I see any bad code in the site or any suspicious files.
Try other browsers such as Opera, Internet Explorer, FireFox, Safari, etc... and see if the dropdowns still appear. Also, try another device such as another computer, tablet, phone, etc. If the dropdowns do not appear then it is most likely a small program that is running into the background of your computer that may have inadvertently been activated.
Check your local machine with a program such as Malware Bytes or other anti-malware/anti-virus programs.
I was able to find an article from an anti-virus site specifically about 'Dropdown Deals' and various methods of removal. You may want to check the link below for assistance.
How to Remove DropDownDeals
Best Regards,
Scott M