Recent Spam increase

  • Answered
I've been actively using SpamAssasin for the last 2 years, constantly reveiwing my queue and updating my ignore and blacklists. Its been a a pain but has worked relatively well for me. Recently Ive been getting an influx of spam that is not being caught by SpamAssasin thus flooding my inbox. I suspect one of my contacts recently got hacked or is having their email spoofed but the spam I am receiving is blatant and should be getting flagged by SpamAssasin.

I'm looking for recommendations to get my Spam under control.

thanks in advance.

Hello Lionel, and thank you for your question. I apologize that you've seemingly been receiving more spam unfiltered via SpamAssassin. From what I can tell looking at your mail logs, it looks like SpamAssassin has run on 417 messages, with it flagging 135 of them as spam. From what I can tell, it looks like the messages not flagged as spam are not achieving a high enough spam score to hit your current set value of 3.5 for being flagged as spam. I would recommend looking at the full mail headers of one of the messages you believe is blatant spam to see why it's possibly not getting marked as spam. If you can't figure it out by looking at the rules, you can forward a copy to us at [email protected] with the subject "Recent spam increase", then if you comment back on this question letting us know it's been sent there we can take a look for you. Please let us know if you have any further questions at all. - Jacob