How may I overcome your spam filter?

  • Answered
I need to exchange legitimate emails with Google AdWords about my advertising -- but your spam filters (on OUTGOING mail!) are bouncing my emails. Your help page (re: 505 error) basically just says, "Yup, we're bouncing 'em -- too bad for you. Try another email account." WTF?? Why would you EVER classify ONE email to ONE recipient as spam? Please let me use my email!!
Thank you for your question johnbodle! Our systems team can, on a case by case basis, whitelist domains to bypass the filter. If you could send the bounce with the content and headers to [email protected] and let our tech support know you want to be whitelisted, we can have systems look and see if they can whitelist you. Make sure you verify in the email with the last 4 of the credit card number on file or the current AMP password in the email. Sorry for the trouble with this and hope to resolve it ASAP. Best Regards, James R