Help with Newrelic installation

  • Answered
Can anyone help me understand how to install Newrelic into my php.ini? My first propblem is i do not have a php.ini in my public_html folder.
Secondly how do I get the Newrelic script agent into the file manager and how do I invoke the install line. Newrelic's instructions just do not make sense to me.

Thank you
Hello Thecomputerguy4u, and thanks for your question. In order to install the Newrelic software as a service (SaaS) for monitoring your PHP applications, you would first sign up for an account, grab your license key information, then install the PHP agent locally on your server. Finally you would configure the settings for both the agent as well as the proxy daemon. Your php.ini file would contain the PHP agent settings, however in order to have the PHP agent loaded on the server so that you can alter the settings, it requires first installing the Newrelic PHP module, which unfortunately would only be available on our Dedicated Server hosting plans and if it's something you would like for us to install for you there would be a one-time $25 installation fee. If you would like to install Newrelic yourself on a dedicated server, you would need to request root access for your server, then you could simply follow the instructions they have for Newrelic PHP agent installation for CentOS. I hope that helps, and if you had any further questions at all please let us know! - Jacob