Why can I not access my cPanel?

  • Answered
I've had cPanel on my account since day-one - years ago. Why am I getting this message now?

This server is currently not licensed. Please contact the server administrator. Other services available on this server such as web services are likely functioning normally. (Cannot read license file)

Once the license on this server is active, you will no longer see this message. If you have installed a license since loading this page, click here to reload.
Hello aimweb05, Thank you for your question. By default, cPanel licenses are supposed to renew automatically, if you are getting this error, it did not renew successfully. Please contact Live Tech Support so they can renew the cpanel license for you, it should not take long to correct (about 15 minutes). We are happy to assist you, but need more information to identify your account, such as your primary domain name. If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below. Thank you, -John-Paul