Migration Issues with WooCommerce

  • Answered

1 - (script issue) Splash pop-up displays as a non-lightbox element (it's supposed to fade in with a transparent bg)

2 - (SSL issue) Checkout process works only if HTTPS/SSL mode is disabled (most likely due to the SSL being tied to visagedelayla.com I'm assuming.)

3 - (script issue) Composite Products aren't loading - see http://biz104.inmotionhosting.com/~visage6/test/product/anti-aging-system/

4 - (script issue) Tabs aren't loading the tabbed window properly. They end up being cascaded vertically. - see http://biz104.inmotionhosting.com/~visage6/test/product/anti-aging-system/ once again.


Reference test site...
http://www.ryne.me/wp/ - same site, just uploaded to my hosting provider instead.

http://www.ryne.me/wp/product/anti-aging-system/ - this is how composite products should display, as well as the tab window below with the description.

Also, when you go to one of the ryne.me/wp pages, the pop-up will display every time properly in it's lightbox.

So my question is why this is happening only on inmotionhosting servers. My client is willing to change hosting if this problem isn't resolved in timely fashion this week. We're already a couple days behind our scheduled launch due to this mishap within your MySQL/PHP backend.

http://imgur.com/KRm1ZaP,J2pWear,AYW26Sj#2 is a gallery with a comparison of backend versions. The image that shows up in the link above first is tied to inmotion's hosting, while the other two are tied to my wamp server and stablehost.com hosting/domain.
Hello ryneryne, Thank you for your questions. 1. The splash pop-up is being flagged by mod security. I disabled the specific rule, then did a host file mod, and tested this successfully. This should work one you point the domain to us, or if you do a host file mod and point to your shared IP address. 2. If you require an SSL for visagedelayla.com, you can purchase one from AMP, or use a 3rd party SSL. 3. Since the images aren't loading on the original website either, most likely the images were broken before it was transferred to us. You can compare both sites here: http://biz104.inmotionhosting.com/~visage6/test/product/anti-aging-system/ & http://www.ryne.me/wp/product/anti-aging-system/ 4. This is similar to the issue in answer 1, the same mod_sec rule was being flagged. It should work after pointing the domain, or performing a host file mod. For more immediate assistance, you can also contact live tech support. If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below. Thank you, -John-Paul