Cart summary missing css in PrestaShop

  • Answered
My Shopping cart summary page looks like HTML, no Design, just text and button. Not very attractive, if I Checkout with Paypal (without going in my cart first) it is ok, (nice page) but when I go in my cart, it look like it's not linked to CMS. (I am not sure what that means... someone told me it could be that)

Can I send a picture?

Hello Brodeurd, Thank you for your question. I was able top replicate the problem, and it is due to a 500 error related to: index.php?controller=order-opc/shop Most likely the order-opc.tpl file is missing, I recommend trying to copy this file from the default theme to the one you are now using. Since your website is not hosted on our servers, I am unable to provide the specific location of this file, but if your host uses cPanel you can search within the File Manager. If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below. Thank you, -John-Paul