Can't access cpanel for my website.

  • Answered
We have changed our pass word and still can't access cpanel for

Server: biz96
Temp URL: http://biz96xxxxxx

(note: account information removed for security purposes)
Hello, Apologies for the problem. Unfortunately, since the issue is in regards to a password reset, and you're using an anonymous login to post a question on the Community Support center, I cannot help with this particular issue. For security purposes, you will need to contact live support to help with this issue. They are available 24/7 and can be contacted via phone/chat/email. You will need to provide verification of the account using either the last 4 digits of the credit card on the account or the Account Management Panel (AMP) password. Apologies again that I can't take direct action on the account. Please contact our support team and they'll get you in to your cPanel quickly. Regards, Arnel C.