Can I control the order of my blog posts?

  • Answered
Using Premium Web Builder, I am trying to use blog pages as comment pages for my videos. There will be a dozen or so "posts" (comment headings to match videos) per page. Sometimes I need to change the order of the posts, to match the order of the videos. However, each page automatically places the most recent post at the top.
Hello, and thanks for the great question. For what you're trying to accomplish the Premium Website Builder might not be the best option as what you're trying to do isn't a built-in feature inside of it. You'd probably be more interested in a more full-fledged CMS like WordPress which you can go in and modify the Publish date to change which posts appear towards the top of your blog. Also when using something like WordPress you could use a plugin like WordPress Post Types Order to easily manage your post positions without modifying any dates. If you're looking for something that has a very easy interface like the Premium Web Builder, then you might also want to give something like Concrete5 a try. You can demo Concrete5 in Softaculous and then install an application with Softaculous into your account if you'd like to try it on your website itself. Please let us know if you had any other questions at all. - Jacob