Cron Job For Email
The subject line of the daily email is "egrep "POST .*wp-login.php" ~/access-logs/ | awk '{print $1,$4,$5,$6,$7,substr($0, index($0,$12))}' | awk '{print $1}' | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -n | sed 's/[ ]*//'"
and I am pretty sure my mistake is that I put the site path in incorrectly. Can you orient me please?
Sorry for the issue with the CRON job! I took a close look and found the article you're referring to. The file structure containing the log file is now called LOGS. Also all files in there are automatically compressed as GZIP files. Change "access-logs" to "logs" (no quotation marks) and see if the CRON works. I wasn't 100% sure that the compressed file could be searched with the provided REGEX command, but try it first. If you continue to have problems, submit a ticket to our live technical support team. I will also have the code checked to make sure that it still applies.