Missing SPF - Due to unable to verify authoritative name server

  • Answered
According to MXToolbox I have the following problems:
https voxperitus.com The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send. (https://voxperitus.com
dns voxperitus.com SOA Refresh Value is outside of the recommended range
dns voxperitus.com SOA Expire Value out of recommended range
spf voxperitus.com A Valid SPF Record was not found

Here's what is showing up in CPanel:
Status: Enabled Warning: cPanel is unable to verify that this server is an authoritative nameserver for “voxperitus.com”. [?]

Your current raw DKIM record is:
default._domainkey IN TXT "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCsLLJNCHngg54+vYlhZaegae15NSXkIPUQd6WaSpN4AId0AhxiCgIB8fCakyHDla6U0Q0akxvRdjW8fuCTWPHPhewWM3foif4uzaeFeMvbxGPUoPkvb4VX9j8ZXULZSUcnjFP3x0Xv3D0cG/MBmUPZe3LptMUvAHNoTa+U2QKK0QIDAQAB;"
Hello VoxPeritus, and thanks for your question. The first error that you're getting, is because you don't have a SSL certificate on your website:
https	voxperitus.com	 The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send. (https://voxperitus.com)
The second is just a warning about the TTL or Time To Live of the DNS record being set to 86400 seconds or 24 hours. They warn on on anything less than 20 minutes or greater than 12 hours, but this isn't a critical problem.
dns	voxperitus.com	 SOA Refresh Value is outside of the recommended range
The third is just a warning about the expire time of the DNS record. They warn if the value is under 2 weeks, or over 4 weeks but again this isn't a critical issue:
dns	voxperitus.com	 SOA Expire Value out of recommended range
The fourth warning is letting you know you don't have any SPF specific records setup. However you do have these same SPF records reported in your TXT record for your domain. The SPF record itself isn't implemented very much, and most mail servers simply look at your domain's TXT record for SPF information.
spf	voxperitus.com	 A Valid SPF Record was not found
The error that you see in cPanel is due to the fact that our cPanel servers utilize our external name servers, so cPanel is unable to directly verify that the cPanel server itself is an authoritative nameserver.
Status: Enabled Warning: cPanel is unable to verify that this server is an authoritative nameserver for voxperitus.com. [?]
Are you currently experiencing any issues with your email delivery, or are you getting your domain name spoofed by others? It doesn't look like from the server-side there should be any issues, just some alerts showing you that the external tests MxToolbox runs aren't all passing. - Jacob