Missing SPF - Due to unable to verify authoritative name server
According to MXToolbox I have the following problems:
https voxperitus.com The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send. (https://voxperitus.com
dns voxperitus.com SOA Refresh Value is outside of the recommended range
dns voxperitus.com SOA Expire Value out of recommended range
spf voxperitus.com A Valid SPF Record was not found
Here's what is showing up in CPanel:
Status: Enabled Warning: cPanel is unable to verify that this server is an authoritative nameserver for “voxperitus.com”. [?]
Your current raw DKIM record is:
default._domainkey IN TXT "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCsLLJNCHngg54+vYlhZaegae15NSXkIPUQd6WaSpN4AId0AhxiCgIB8fCakyHDla6U0Q0akxvRdjW8fuCTWPHPhewWM3foif4uzaeFeMvbxGPUoPkvb4VX9j8ZXULZSUcnjFP3x0Xv3D0cG/MBmUPZe3LptMUvAHNoTa+U2QKK0QIDAQAB;"
https voxperitus.com The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send. (https://voxperitus.com
dns voxperitus.com SOA Refresh Value is outside of the recommended range
dns voxperitus.com SOA Expire Value out of recommended range
spf voxperitus.com A Valid SPF Record was not found
Here's what is showing up in CPanel:
Status: Enabled Warning: cPanel is unable to verify that this server is an authoritative nameserver for “voxperitus.com”. [?]
Your current raw DKIM record is:
default._domainkey IN TXT "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCsLLJNCHngg54+vYlhZaegae15NSXkIPUQd6WaSpN4AId0AhxiCgIB8fCakyHDla6U0Q0akxvRdjW8fuCTWPHPhewWM3foif4uzaeFeMvbxGPUoPkvb4VX9j8ZXULZSUcnjFP3x0Xv3D0cG/MBmUPZe3LptMUvAHNoTa+U2QKK0QIDAQAB;"