Cannot find php.ini / trying to upload larger backup file than 50Mb

  • Answered
Dear sir/madam, I need to change settings in phpMyAdmin in order to upload larger backupfile. Currently I can only load 50Mb which is not enough. I have followed your instructions how to upload larger backup files on the server, but when I tried to locate php.ini in order to copy it to my subdomain folder, I found out that I cannot locate it.

Please help me!

Hello markomaja, Thank you for your question. Here is a helpful link to our guide on how to Increase the Max File Upload size in PHP.INI. If you do not have a default php.ini file, please contact Live Tech Support. They can copy the default php.ini for your server, to your account. If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below. Thank you, -John-Paul
Hi, Firstly, let me state that I'm not a member of the staff. I've a VPS via Inmotion Hosting, and I was in a similar situation. I solved the upload procedure with the use of a .htaccess file. ---// example of .htaccess //---- php_flag short_open_tag Off php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off php_flag magic_quotes_sybase Off php_flag magic_quotes_runtime Off php_flag register_globals Off php_flag session.auto_start Off php_flag suhosin.session.encrypt Off php_value upload_max_filesize 50M php_value post_max_size 100M ---// example of .htaccess //---- I've uploaded the file to the root folder of my website. I hope it helps a little.... TTFN Cynthia P.s. keep in mind that you've to create .htaccess with a program like notepad! Disclaimer: always be cautious when working with. htaccess files, if you make a typo than your server will display an internal error message. If you encounter troubles, then simply delete the .htaccess file.