What is the order of operations with email filtering, also, .zip files

  • Answered
What is the order of operations with email filtering. I see that there is a selector for 'or' or 'and' for logic, but would like to know if 'and' operations are prioritized and execute first. Also, I have a filter set for .zip files to be filtered, but it is not working reliably, how can I get it to work reliably? Here is the .zip filter logic: It is called executable files and only works some of the time
Hello, and thanks for your question. When dealing with the logic for OR or AND in your cPanel email filters they are processed from top to bottom and work like this: OR This condition or the next condition can be met AND This condition and the next condition must be met So if you had these conditions setup: Body contains .zip OR Body contains .exe OR Body contains .bat OR From contains example.com AND Body contains attached file Messages from example.com will filter if the body contains attached file. Messages from example.net will NOT filter if the body contains attached file. Only if the body contains .zip OR .exe OR .bat. Messages just on the condition they are from example.com will not be filtered, unless the body contains attached file. The AND condition sets these up as pairs to be matched. However if a message was from example.com and contained .zip in the body it would still be filtered because of the first rule. If your filter only works some of the times, possibly you're expecting a message that just contains attached file in the body to be filtered. But with the way it's currently setup, that will only work if the email also comes from example.com. Hope that helps, and if you're still having issues please give us a specific example of a message making it pass your filter. The subject and date and email account should suffice, and be sure to leave the message on the server so we can look at it to see why it might have skipped your mail filter. - Jacob