
Quote based shopping cart

  • Answered
Hi, I would like to give my customers the ability to create a shopping cart and checkout however I'm not going to display prices for the products instead I want them to create a cart and then an email will be generated and sent to me with all the products they wish to have a quote on. Basically I will quote them separately with the prices and email them back. Are there any ecommerce programs that will allow me to do this without showing prices and just submit their cart for a quote? After I give them the actual quote and costs I would like to put their cart in an area that they can log into and then pay for by credit card. Thanks,
As far as email inquires go, the one im most familiar with is woocommerce. They have a plugin for this kind of feature. Magento also has this kind of plugin but it's pretty pricey (around like $1000).

I don't know what you specifically are using though. The only one I can help you with is woocommerce since it's in my field area for modification. But if you have any specific product in mind maybe I can do something.

If you go with Woocommerce, ask one of the support team members for help with that setup. Or you can do it by yourself, its pretty easy and offers a lot to learn.

Other than that ill try too see if any other product offer this as an integration or a plugin.

Unfortunately I am not aware of any e-commerce platform that has that functionality.

Kindest Regards,
Scott M