How do I restore the PS 1.6 theme to its default setting? I cannot figure out how to bring the horizontal menu back to the home page. I also do not have any other pages beside the home page.
Sorry to hear that you're having problems with the PS 1.6 theme. If the problem isn't from an add-on, then you most likely need to re-load the original theme. This issue can also be the result of the modification of the original theme files. If you reload the theme, then you can revert to the default theme and get back the horizontal theme. Here's how you get the default theme re-loaded:
Next, in your internet browser, go to PrestaShop to download the same version that you're using.
Next, open your cPanel File Manager and find your PrestaShop installation files. Open the themes folder. Click on the "default-bootstrap" folder and rename it to "old-default-bootstrap".
Next, in you cPanel File Manager menu, click on UPLOAD.
Click on Choose File. Find the zipped PrestaShop installation file that you uploaded and upload it into your THEMES folder.
When the upload completes, click on uploaded file and select EXTRACT from the File Manager Menu. Extract the file into the folder in the themes folder. The path will look something like this: /public_html/themes/prestashopfolder. Or, if you have a separate PrestaShop installation folder, it may look like this: /public_html/prestashopinstallfolder/themes/prestashopfolder. The files that you extract should go INTO the the themes folder.
The extraction may take a few minutes. When it completes open the folder and look for the themes folder. Click on the "default-bootstrap" folder to select it, then click on MOVE file in the File Manager menu. The path that you move the file to should be the same as the path that you used to extract the PrestaShop files.
When the extraction completes, you should see a "default-bootstrap" folder in the Themes directory. This will contain the default theme installation files. You can then delete the uploaded "prestashop" zip file and extracted folder that are in your Themes folder.
If you did not modify any other files, then the theme should be back to normal. If you modified any extension/add-on files, then you would need to find those files and uninstall them to remove their effect on the installation. If that fails, then your last step would be to re-install PrestaShop onto the server.
I hope this helps to answer your question! Please let us know if you require any further assistance.
Arnel C.