Improving my Blog Rank

  • Answered
I am a new bee in the blogging world and I have read many instructions about crawling and indexing.
I desire to improve my blog ranking with the right robot.txt instruction, without duplicating content.

Which, among these below will give me the job handy:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /


User-agent: *
Disallow: /p/page-one.html
Disallow: /p/page-two.html
Allow: /

Gain, how do I enable just a single search engine to crawl my blog?
Hello Ajiroghene, Thank you for contacting us about improving your blog rank. To have a single search engine crawl your blog, you would have to stop the unwanted search engines from crawling your Website. The specific .htaccess rules are included in that helpful guide. Google Webmaster Tools is one of the best ways to affect your rank in their search results. Also, in this helpful Google Webmasters video, they go more in depth about how they treat duplicate content. If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below. Thank you, John-Paul