Add new payment logo to prestashop

  • Answered
I'm new to Prestashop. How can I add a new payment logo to the payment logo block in prestashop or somewhere in the left panel? ex. visa, mastercard....
Hello, Thanks for the question about the payment logos in PrestaShop. The payment logos can be changed, but they will depend on the payment methods that you have available to you. Make sure to check the payment modules that you have added to your installation. Then, when they check out, they will be able to see the options available to them. If you're trying to add it to your store elsewhere, you would need to obtain the logo of the payment method you want to display and then alter the graphics of the PrestaShop site - depending on where you want to put it. This has been discussed in the PrestaShop forums. Check their discussion here. If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know. Regards, John Paul B.