Sorry for the FTP connection problems. I looked at your account and saw three active FTP connections. They also indicated that you were using an FTP account that had created. The problem with CREATING an FTP account, is that it only has access to the folder that you give it access when you create the account. So, when you login, you're see the blank folder for that account, not the folders above it. So, not only do you NOT have access to anything, it will look like you can't do anything.
I would suggest that you use the FTP information login based on your cPanel login. You can find the cPanel login information by going here. Once you login to FTP with your cPanel credentials you will be able to see all of the files on your site. Remember that your website files will primarily be in the PUBLIC_HTML folder. For more information, see Getting started with FTP.
I hope this helps to answer your question, please let us know if you require any further assistance.
Kindest regards,
Arnel C.