New POP email doesn't show in Outlook 2007 sidebar

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I just set up a POP email account on Outlook 2007. The only email address showing in the right sidebar is my hotmail account. I set the POP email as a default so I would see only those messages, but when I click the hotmail account listed on the sidebar to check hotmail, I can't get back to the list of specific POP email messages without restarting. How do I get both to be listed so I can flip-flop from one to the other?
Hello, Thank you for your question about email accounts showing up in Outlook 2007. We are happy to help, but will need some additional information. When you say you "can't get back without restarting," do you have to restart Outlook 2007, or your computer. How are you connecting to your hotmail account? For example is it POP or IMAP? If you are connecting via IMAP, make sure there is not a lot of emails in your INBOX with them. (It can cause delays when trying to list the contents.) If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below. Thank you, John-Paul