I am not getting email while I am trying to subscribing newsletter

  • Answered
can you please use realistic email id and then check whether you are receiving mail or not..There is no problem in our SMTP config..I have talked with server guys also..there is definitely some problem..For some email id it allows me to register and get email and for some email id it does not work at all

Please see the issue
Hello, I'm sorry to hear that you're having problems with your email. I checked the records for all three domains for which you have email accounts, and ALL of them show normal email traffic. This means that they were all able to send and receive email. If you are having problems, we need more specific information such as the email account that is having problems. Additionally, if there is trouble with email delivery it is normal to see a bounce-back message between email servers indicating the problem. If you can provide a copy of a bounce-back message we can identify the issue. SMTP configurations are for SENDING emails, not receiving. If you are having problems with receiving emails, please check Problems receiving email for more information. You can also find a wealth of information on email in our educational channel on Email. If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know. Regards, Arnel C.