Automatic provisioning is failed code 6

  • Answered
Hi my automatic provisioning is failed.
Once someone place an order on my website
they receive email about payment and invoices but they dont get confirmed on whm
I checked my WHMCS server setup and its successfully connecting the server at wHM

but i dont know why its still failing.
Hello, Thank you for contacting us about Automatic provisioning issues with WHMCS. Here is a helpful link to the official WHMCS guide on Auto Setup Issues. There is also an official WHMCS video on WHMCS Troubleshooting Automatic Hosting Setup Failure. We are happy to help you troubleshoot further, but will need some additional information. When you say "they dont get confirmed on whm" what do you mean by this. For example, where can i view if they are confirmed? Can you provide the full error message? If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below. Thank you, John-Paul B