What's The Best Way To Backup WordPress?
I have a WPress website that I want the easiest way to back up all my WPress files and folders BUT I have 2 other domains and websites under this account that have their own WPress installation that I DONT want backed up (at least all together). I want to back them up separately. I know I can use cPanel-File-Backup to do a "partial" but it says it will backup the entire root dir (which has the other 2 domains on too in sub folders)....and I know I can use Softaculous to back up WPress too...but the same issue....it says it will take the whole root dir too (which I dont want since those other 2 domains with their own WPress installs are in).
I do have BackWPup plugin installed and can use that...and see in there where I can "excluded" certain folders...so I could exclude those 2 other domains/sub folders that way. Is that the best way to do what I am wanting ?
Related question : If I do use BackWPup plugin, can I also "exclude" the wp-contents folder adnd maybe do that one separately with Filezilla ? My site has lots of images and videos so I have tried to run the BackWPup with entire site before and it takes FOREVER or locks up so I am guessing because of the wp-contents- uploads folder that has a bunch of images & videos files in it.