What's The Best Way To Backup WordPress?

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I have a WPress website that I want the easiest way to back up all my WPress files and folders BUT I have 2 other domains and websites under this account that have their own WPress installation that I DONT want backed up (at least all together). I want to back them up separately. I know I can use cPanel-File-Backup to do a "partial" but it says it will backup the entire root dir (which has the other 2 domains on too in sub folders)....and I know I can use Softaculous to back up WPress too...but the same issue....it says it will take the whole root dir too (which I dont want since those other 2 domains with their own WPress installs are in).

I do have BackWPup plugin installed and can use that...and see in there where I can "excluded" certain folders...so I could exclude those 2 other domains/sub folders that way. Is that the best way to do what I am wanting ?

Related question : If I do use BackWPup plugin, can I also "exclude" the wp-contents folder adnd maybe do that one separately with Filezilla ? My site has lots of images and videos so I have tried to run the BackWPup with entire site before and it takes FOREVER or locks up so I am guessing because of the wp-contents- uploads folder that has a bunch of images & videos files in it.

Hello PaulAlford, Thank you for your question on backing up your site. Out of all the things mentioned, it does seem that the plugin is the best solution. I tested it on my own server and you can indeed exclude the wp-content folder either in its entirety or only wp-content/uploads or any other subfolders. This can help you customize the backup so you can use the FTP to move your images separately since it gives you issues. Kindest Regards, Scott M