how to hide the sub-sub categories on my dropdown menu

  • Answered
Hi, I would like to hide the sub-sub categories in my Joomla 3 Protostar dropdown menu.

Example instead of all the sub-sub categories popping up under "Runway" on the dropdown menu I prefer just to list them in an article under as there are too many of them.

As you see those su-sub categories ( menu items) are not articles pages...they are a Video component pages. Therefore when I go to Global configuration/articles/category/ I have set the "subcategory levels" to 0 (none) and everything else is set to 'hide" ....but nothing changes.

Kindly advise.
Hello Kd9000, Thanks for your question about hiding the sub-categories in Joomla. I researched your question and probably the best answer is that it requires a CSS change to hide what you're trying to hide. Check out this forum post. Several of the responses have different ways to go about it and one of them may provide the answer that you seek. I hope this helps to answer your question, please let us know if you require any further assistance. Regards, Arnel C.