Whenever you connect to a website, you may find yourself wondering how it all works. The following articles should help you learn about the various types of server technology that allow some of your favorite websites to exist.
Linux is one of the most common operating systems used for servers and encompasses a wide array of technologies. Generally, Linux is open-source, meaning it is far more open to customization than operating systems such as Windows.
One of the key ways to interact with a Linux-based server is through an SSH connection. Through this connection, you can set up root-level access and make advanced changes to your server configuration.
Working With Databases
Databases are one of the fundamental server technologies used by websites and other applications to store large amounts of data in a reliable way. Software such as MySQL and phpMyAdmin provide users a way to create and manage databases.
One of the most popular server technologies used for web hosting is Apache. This server software facilitates connections between your server and the rest of the internet, allowing users to visit your websites and connect to applications on your server.
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