How to Enable PHP-FPM Using WHM

Table of Contents

To achieve seamless integration, it’s crucial to have reliable PHP hosting services that support PHP-FPM. This ensures your website benefits from faster load times and is better able to handle spikes in traffic.

PHP-FPM is an improved PHP handler that uses a pool of workers (per domain) to quickly process PHP scripts. Once the script completes running, PHP-FPM provides the results to Apache to deliver to the visitor’s browser.

In this guide, you will learn the steps needed to enable PHP-FPM through Web Host Manager (WHM).

  1. Log into WHM, as the root user.

    Web Host Manager (WHM) login screen, username (root) and password fields and Login button highlighted.

  2. In the WHM search bar, type “php“.

    WHM search bar containing php highlighted.

  3. Click the MultiPHP Manager menu option.

    WHM MultiPHP Manager menu option highlighted.

Provision PHP-FPM

  1. Click the Install button.

    WHM MultiPHP Manager PHP-FPM Install button highlighted.

  2. Once the new window/tab loads the EasyApache 4 provisioning Review page, confirm the changes to be made to your server, to enable PHP-FPM.

    EasyApache 4 Provision Review page.

  3. Then, scroll down and click on the Provision button.

    EasyApache 4 Provision button highlighted.

    A notification will appear which indicates the provisioning process completed successfully.

    EasyApache 4 provision complete successful message highlighted.

  4. Close the window/tab, then click on the Refresh button. This will allow WHM to detect the provisioned modules for PHP-FPM and the messages should no longer appear.

    WHM MultiPHP Manager PHP-FPM message Refresh button.

  5. WHM MultiPHP Manager PHP-FPM page without messages.

  6. Under the section labeled Set PHP Version per Domain find the domain you want to enable PHP-FPM for and click the checkbox to the left of it. Then, select On from the PHP-FPM drop-down menu and click the Apply button.

    Set PHP Version per Domain with checkbox for domain: selected, drop-down menu for PHP-FPM On option selected, and Apply button highlighted.

  7. A notification will briefly appear indicating that PHP-FPM settings have been applied to the selected domain(s).

    Successfully updated PHP-FPM Settings notification.

Congratulations! Now you know how to enable PHP-FPM for your cPanel users’ websites.

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