How to Restart PHP-FPM

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In this article we’re covering how to restart the PHP-FPM (PHP-FastCGI Process Manager) service to clear the VPS cache. After enabling PHP-FPM in WHM, you may need to restart the service after a server-wide error resulting in websites showing 500 Internal Server Error or PHP version changes. There are two possible methods:


  1. Log into WHM as root.
  2. Search “PHP-FPM” and select PHP-FPM service for Apache.
    Screenshot in WHM selecting PHP-FPM service for Apache

  3. Select Yes to restart the PHP-FPM service.
    Screenshot in WHM selecting Yes to restart PHP-FPM service

  4. Check the updated website.


  1. Ensure you have root access enabled in AMP.
  2. SSH into your server as root.
  3. Type the command

    to restart PHP-FPM. The results should mirror below:
    Screenshot in SSH completing PHP-FPM restart command resulting in 'Service Status' in bold and 'apache_php_fpm restarted' in green text

  4. Check the updated website.

You should be able to see the updated website after clearing your browser cache or using a private window. If installed, you may also want to clear the Nginx cache using cPanel Cache Manager or SSH command

service nginx restart


systemctl restart nginx

You can read more detailed information in our in-depth PHP-FPM article and comparison between it and SuPHP.

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