Within your website structure, there are many times when you may want to protect directories from outside access. This prevents any user from accessing a subdirectory of your site, and its files, without a username and password. There may be a time, however, when you want to allow access to a single file within a password directory and it is not feasible to move the file to an unprotected directory or folder. The instructions below will guide you in how to allow access to a single file in a password protected directory using your .htaccess
How to allow access to a file in a protected directory
- Log into your cPanel dashboard.
- Access the File Manager under the Files section and navigate to the password protected folder. Make sure you enable the ability to show hidden files by clicking Settings at the top right and clicking the check box for Show Hidden Files (dotfiles).
- Within the password protected folder will be an .htaccess file that contains the security code to activate the password popup. Highlight the
file and click on the Edit icon from the toolbar across the top of the page.
- Once inside the editor, you will see the security code. It will appear similar to the example below. Our example directory was test, so attempting to access inmotiontesting.com/test resulted in a popup box asking for username and password.
AuthName "test-protect"
AuthUserFile "/home/userna5/.htpasswds/public_html/test/passwd"
AuthType Basic
require valid-user
You will need to add the following code for each file you want to allow access to after the code above. In this example, we are allowing access to a file named test.php. Note the before the . in the filename and the $ at the end. You will want to do this for your file name as well to ensure access is given to that exact file.
<filesmatch "test.php$"="">
Satisfy Any
Allow from all
- Click on the Save Changes button in the upper right corner to finalize and activate the code. Now you will be able to access the specific file named test.php but no other files within that directory.
what is the use of the test file..?
Hello Manikandan,
There is no purpose of the test file other than to provide you with an example for the instructions provided.
If you have any further questions, please let us know.
Kindest regards,
Arnel C.
Really nice comment box.