How to Restore Backups from Amazon’s S3 Cloud Storage

Using WHM’s Backup Configuration cPanel can upload its backups to Amazon’s S3 Cloud Storage and later restore backups from Amazon’s S3 as well. This is invaluable, but what if you wish to restore one of these backups? How do you restore a backup uploaded to Amazon? This article will detail how to restore a backup from Amazon’s S3 service.

Download Backup from AWS S3

  1. Amazon Web Services console sign in imageAccess the AWS Management Console, click Sign In to the Console, and login
  2. Amazon Web Services console Services link imageClick the Services link in the top left-hand corner
  3. Amazon Web Services console S3 linkUnder the Storage section, click on S3
  4. Amazon Web Services S3 bucket example imageNavigate to your backup. In this case the backup we will be restoring is in Amazon S3 > backups > weekly > 2017-06-11
  5. Amazon Web Services backup checkbox highlightClick the checkbox next to the backup you wish to download
  6. Amazon Web Services download file button highlightClick the Download button, and save the backup to your local computer

Restore Home Directory Files via cPanel

If you only need to restore your files and not your databases, you won’t need root level access. You can restore the files from your backup right from your cPanel account. We have an article here about how to restore the files in your cPanel user’s home directory.

Restore Backups from Amazon’s S3 via WHM

Note that you will need root access in order to use these directions.

  1. Login to WHM as root
  2. Click on Transfers on the left-hand side
    transfers button in WHM
  3. Click on Transfer or Restore a cPanel Account
    Transfer or restore a cPanel account icon
  4. In the Transfer Options, select Upload a file to restore. We are going to use the file that we downloaded from AWS S3 above
    Upload file listing
  5. Below that, under Upload File, click on the Choose File button and select the file you saved to your computer
    choose file button highlighted
  6. If the user already exists, you will need to select the option to Overwrite if the cPanel user already exists
  7. Unless you have reasons to do so, leave the options under Migrate A Records and IP address unchanged
  8. Finally, click the Restore button
    Restore Button on restore page

Congratulations! You now know how to restore a backup from your Amazon S3!

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