Learn how to create, extract, and list files within a compressed tar archive in Secure Shell (SSH), or cPanel Terminal, with the tar
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Create an Archive
tar -czvf archive-name.tar.gz path-to-directory-or-files
Example: tar -czvf images.tar.gz *.png
– Archive all PNG image files in the current directory into a images.tar.gz file
Example: tar -czvf backup.tar.gz *
– Archive all files and folders in the current directory into a backup.tar.gz file
– create -z
– compress or decompress -v
– list files processed -f
– specify filename
Extract Files
tar -xzvf archive.tar.gz
Example: tar -xzvf images.tar.gz
Used options:
– Extract -z
– compress or decompress -v
– list files processed -f
– specify filename
Extract to Another Directory
tar -xzvf archive.tar.gz -C another-folder
Example: tar -xzvf images.tar.gz -C restored
– Extract files from the images.tar.gz file into an existing /restored folder
Used options:
– Extract -z
– compress or decompress -v
– list files processed -f
– specify filename -C
– Specify directory
List Files
tar -tvf archive.tar.gz
Used options:
– list files processed -v
– list files processed (with more info including file size and date modified) -f
– specify filename
For more options, type the tar --help
command or visit GNU.org.