How to remove the InMotion Coming Soon page

How to remove the landing page?

Question: When I go to my website, I see a page that says, “Website Coming Soon!”. How do I remove this?
Answer: Upload an index file (either index.htm index.html or index.php) and that file will load instead.

When you visit a website, it will always attempt to display an index page which can be named index.html, index.php, etc. Due to how our servers are configured, our default coming soon page will be displayed in the event that the typical file names do not exist. To resolve the issue, upload an index file such as a file named index.php, index.html, etc. to your account within the public_html directory.

I uploaded an index page, but still see the landing page!

If you have uploaded your website but still see the landing page, click the refresh button in your browser or clear your browser’s cache as your browser may still have some old data stored within it.

If you have already uploaded your index page and are still seeing the “Coming Soon” page, you may have accidentally placed the files in the incorrect location. Fortunately, we have an excellent article which will assist you in placing the files into the correct location at the following:

What directory should I put my files in?

I want the index to be named something else

If you want a different file name to still be the index page of your site, it can still be done by modifying your .htaccess file. The following article will walk you through this process.

How to change your default Index page in htaccess

6 thoughts on “How to remove the InMotion Coming Soon page

  1. I’ve a domain showing coming soon IMH landing page but i’ve added it as add-on domain to a hosting account and installed WP but still i’m still seeing the landing page.

    This has never happened with any other account.

    1. Hello Om,

      I took a look at the account for and that particular account has nothing on it. Also worth mentioning is that domain is not an addon domain on that account. You may want to take this issue to Live Support as we may need additional specific information that you do not want to be seen on the public forums. Alternatively, you can provide the primary domain name for the account you have added on and we can keep that reply from being seen here.

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

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