Login issues - error 530

  • updated
  • Answered

i am trying to log in and it get this. Response:530 Login authentication failed Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server

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Satisfaction mark by shannonfarley01 5 years ago

it took over 20 minutes to connect to a rep and we have up trying last night.  This has been an issue the last several months where we can log in fine and then all of the sudden we can't.  Nor can we log in when we are at the church. None of our information has changed.  Please resolve the issue

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IMH Support Agent 2
  • Answered

Hello Shannonfarley01,

Sorry to hear about your login issues.  Basically, the error is telling you that the credentials you're using are incorrect, or that the site is unable to verify because of a connection issue.  As we can't help with login credentials on the Support website (these are public posts), we advise that you contact our live technical support team for further assistance.  Once you verify your account, they will be able to securely assist you with the login.

If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.

Kindest Regards,

Arnel C.

IMH Support Agent 2
  • Answered

Apologies for the delay in contacting the support team.  If phone support is busy, then please try the chat for quicker assistance.  If you wish for the Support Center team to look into the issue, then please provide your domain name so that we can look at your account and see what's happening.