upgrading question about opencart

  • Answered
Is there a way to upgrade my opencart website to the newest version without logging into my admin page on my website? Maybe going through cpanel or file manager or something? My admin page is erroring and and techs say that upgrading to newest version might fix the problem. Any advice?
Hello Viperarchery, We do apologize for the problems with your OpenCart upgrade issue. I was involved in investigating the issues surrounding your 1.4x installation earlier, so I am aware of the situation. You will need to run through the script that OpenCart has provided. They give you instructions on how to get through to the 1.5x version. If you require further assistance along those lines, you may want to post a question to them (in the OpenCart forum), as they may have a solution that can fix the issue you're facing. Apologies again that we can give you very limited advice on the issue. We do appreciate the frustration you're facing on this problem and wish we could provide a better answer.. If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know. Regards, Arnel C.