Boldgrid indexing problem, website not found

  • Answered
I finished my Boldgrid website weeks ago. The dashboard says it is published, but there is an indexing problem. NO search engines have found the website. I filled out the SEO Title and Meta description on each page. I could use some sort of check list of things to check or some help as to were to go next.
IMH Support Agent 5
Hello alanS, Thank you for contacting us about your indexing problems in BoldGrid. I see you have submitted this question similarly. I will paste my answer below in case you didn't receive it before: Are you certain that your pages are not being indexed or are they just not yet available within the top results for any given search engine? You can try searching Google with the following: Page Title or Page Content Just substitute for your own domain and the title of the page or any content you are specifically looking for. That will funnel the results specifically through your domain. If you're interested in optimizing your content for search engines you can check our full guide on the topic. Thanks for your question. Let us know if you have any further questions. Best, Christopher M.