Joomla! 2.5 instance does not recognise latest maintenance release

  • Answered
I cannot update my current Joomla! 2.5 instance ( which is 2.5.9) to the latest maintenance release (2.5.28).
I have already tried the following:
- purged the cache in Extension Manager: Update
- emptied cache in Firefox Browser
- also tried in Google Chrome Browser
- in Components: Joomla Update changed Options from Long Term Support to Short Term Support and back

Thanks for letting me know what else can be done to have Joomla recognize that it is not yet updated to the latest Joomla 2.5.28 release
Hello, Sorry for the problem with the Joomla Update to version 2.5.28. This is a tough problem because you're updating a pretty old version and going to the latest Joomla maintenance version that is no longer supported. My recommendation is to ask the Joomla community for assistance. This would be the best FREE solution for you. I looked in the forums for a solution to the issue and the closest related posts that I could find (within the last year) were these posts. There are few ways to upgrade so if you can describe your process in the forum, then they may be better able to give you a resolution. The one suggestion that caught my eye was the possibility that your upgrade script is timing out. If it is doing that, then it won't complete and appear to not upgrade. You would need to change the execution time in the PHP.INI file to address that issue. If you need instructions on editing the PHP.INI file, check out Increase the Max File Upload, except in your case you're looking to increase the "max_execution_time = 30". It defaults to 30 seconds. Try giving it more time, such as 180 seconds. The larger your installation, the longer the upgrade may take. I hope that helps your upgrade to work. I apologize again for not being able to give a direct answer as I know the upgrade is a stressful process. If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know. Regards, Arnel C.