Using Inmotion email while domain is with other provider

  • Answered
I've started building a new site for my domain currently hosted at Namecheap and I'm using a Wix site.

I created a new email with inmotion. I can send without issues but receiving will not work unless I point an A record to inmotion Shared IP. When I do this, my site starts pointing to inmotion rather than my Wix site where my website is currently hosted.

How can I configure email settings to be able to send/receive while leaving my domain with Wix (for now).

Domain is with Namecheap and I use Cloudflare.

I have the following setup at cloudflare:

- A record of that points to Wix IP (if I change this to inmotion, my website changes to inmotion, which is an issue since my site is not ready to transfer yet)
- A record of mail that points to inmotion shared IP
- CNAME of "m" which is an alias of
- CNAME of "www" which is an alias of
- MX record of - mail handle by

Any help to getting this resolved so that I can use inmotion email without having to have my website impacted would be great.

Hello Gauthist, Thanks for the question about using InMotion email while your website is still pointed to your old hosting service. The main issue here is to separate the MX record and the A record that defines that IP for your primary domain . You will need to have "" be an A record that points to the InMotion Hosting service. The IP address used by your InMotion service will need to be the IP that you assign to that A record. For InMotion, the MX record is normally a CNAME that points to the domain name. We change it to an A record and name the MX record This is normally how we separate the mail service and web service. You will need to make the change at your old hosting service where the DNS is still controlled. Your Cloudflare service is also another matter, but you may need to adjust your Cloudflare settings to match the changes you will need to make for the MX server at your old host. This article is typically what is used to make changes for email to work through Cloudflare. The main difference is that instead the domain, the MX record will be defined as (where you're replacing "domain_name") with the domain name you're using. I hope this is clear enough to follow! My apologies if it appears to be confusing. If you have any questions, please let us know so that we may assist in the issue. Regards, Arnel C.