The Pushbullet module manages user notifications through the Pushbullet™ service.
In order to obtain an access token
1. Register on the PushBullet site
2. click 'Settings' or use this link --> 3. Scroll down until you see Access Token
4. Click button to reveal yours
5. Cut/Paste into cPanel and then save
Thank you for your question regarding a missing security token for Pushbullet. Here is a link to the official Pushbullet documentation where they discuss the setup.
There they state: "The Pushbullet API lets you send/receive pushes and do everything else the official Pushbullet clients can do. To access the API you'll need an access token so the server knows who you are. You can get one from your "Account Settings page."
Thank you,
In order to obtain an access token
1. Register on the PushBullet site
2. click 'Settings' or use this link -->
3. Scroll down until you see Access Token
4. Click button to reveal yours
5. Cut/Paste into cPanel and then save
Don't forget to setup a device to receive the notifications on -->