osticket Valid CSRF Token Required
New install of OS ticket using the cpanel software installer, when you try to login, you get the following error message
osticket Valid CSRF Token Required
Have looked this up, its related to the PH version, apparently OSTicket does not fully support anything above 5.6 yet, so 2 options. Change the PHP version down to 5.6 or do the following edit
In file class.ostsession.php and insert this line at 193 row
$this->data->session_data = "";
After the edition
191 catch (DoesNotExist $e) {
192 $this->data = new SessionData(['session_id' => $id]);
193 $this->data->session_data = "";
Not sure why nobody at inmotion has picked up on this, it seems that anyone using their software installer is going to run into this
osticket Valid CSRF Token Required
Have looked this up, its related to the PH version, apparently OSTicket does not fully support anything above 5.6 yet, so 2 options. Change the PHP version down to 5.6 or do the following edit
In file class.ostsession.php and insert this line at 193 row
$this->data->session_data = "";
After the edition
191 catch (DoesNotExist $e) {
192 $this->data = new SessionData(['session_id' => $id]);
193 $this->data->session_data = "";
Not sure why nobody at inmotion has picked up on this, it seems that anyone using their software installer is going to run into this