I need to add https in my web site

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  • Answered


My website is not secure connection. please let me know how can i convert it into https.

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Noman Ahmed
Quote from IMH Support Agent 1

Hello Noman,

Thank you for contacting us about making your site secure with https. First, you should activate your free AutoSSL. The update your site to use https instead of http. Meaning all of your images and page links should be https instead of http.

You can then force all traffic to connect to your site via https. This can be handled with a .htaccess rule, or a plugin/extension if you are using a CMS such as WordPress or Drupal.

Thank you,


i am using simple html5 website. Kindly let me know how can i handle .htmaccess rule.

my free auotSSL are already activated. 

IMH Support Agent 1
  • Answered

Hello Noman,

Thank you for contacting us about making your site secure with https. First, you should activate your free AutoSSL. The update your site to use https instead of http. Meaning all of your images and page links should be https instead of http.

You can then force all traffic to connect to your site via https. This can be handled with a .htaccess rule, or a plugin/extension if you are using a CMS such as WordPress or Drupal.

Thank you,
