
AutoSSL Reduced SSL Coverage

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I received an email that 3 of my domains will no longer be secured since the new certificate.  The message says, "

A DNS (Domain Name System) or web server misconfiguration may exist. The domain “****.com” resolved to an IP address “***” that does not exist on this server."

I left off the domain name and IP address because I wasn't sure if they should be posted publicly.  I looked over some support articles, but I'm in way over my head, and I need help.  Thanks!
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Sorry to hear that you're running into trouble with AutoSSL renewing. 

Don't worry about posting the IP, but do compare the IP address in that alert to the IP address listed in your cPanel. If those don't match, that's why there is a problem. 

Did you recently set up a CMS like CloudFlare? If that is the case, you'll need to set up CloudFlare's SSL, since the domain no longer resolves to your InMotion hosting server. 

This can happen when the domain expires as well. You'd probably notice that, but I'm mentioning it just in case since catching that early will help you keep your domain. 

If that is not the cause of the issue, try heading back into cPanel's SSL/TLS status and forcing AutoSSL to run again. Hope that helps get you started, and please post further if you run into other issues or possible causes as you investigate. 

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Sorry to hear that you're running into trouble with AutoSSL renewing. 

Don't worry about posting the IP, but do compare the IP address in that alert to the IP address listed in your cPanel. If those don't match, that's why there is a problem. 

Did you recently set up a CMS like CloudFlare? If that is the case, you'll need to set up CloudFlare's SSL, since the domain no longer resolves to your InMotion hosting server. 

This can happen when the domain expires as well. You'd probably notice that, but I'm mentioning it just in case since catching that early will help you keep your domain. 

If that is not the cause of the issue, try heading back into cPanel's SSL/TLS status and forcing AutoSSL to run again. Hope that helps get you started, and please post further if you run into other issues or possible causes as you investigate.