Change DNS required to even start seeing the WP replicate of my incoming domain transfer?
I want to transfer my main wordpress site ie on a different dns to inmotion...installed wordpress skeleton and exported the old site with the migration plugin in a 2GB~ file. I want to import the site within wordpress plugins on inmotion to the default domain of something . com.
I put this new primary domain as that primary domain 'something. com' and I know the DNS has to obviously be changed to here, but I don't want my site to be offline for 2 days hoping that the entire export/import works while the new DNS propagates so I can first login here 2 days there a way to actually log-in to the new wp account itself (which obviously is still online with the other DNS)? I didn't change the DNS yet b/c I want a better, faster option to somehow import the site and minimize downtime...if it could be online here simultaneously as replicated, then there is minimal down-time for users.
Or do I have to put 'any' domain as a place-holder website pointed to these DNS to do 'any' work to just get started? Remember, I'm transferring a domain to this server with the same domain name. I don't know why no one answered this anywhere before.
Hello, you can log into wordpress at your tempURL, however there are some configuration requirements for that. We have information that explains how that works at
If you do experience issues with that, please feel free to reach out to our Technical Support team directly through chat at or by emailing [email protected]