I am having a hard time trying to figure out what website builder I would like to use,

  • Answered
When I attempt to install premium website builder I get the following message

"This domain was already used in one of your builder accounts"

Hello GlassHunter, I see that there was a previous account listed for the builder under the primary domain name. That is the reason for the message. I had a Tier 2 reset that for you, so it is now attached. You can go into your AMP and reset the builder password and then log in from there. To reset the password in AMP: Log into into AMP, go to the 'Account & Billing Details' section on the left side menu pane. Then click "details". On this page, under the product category you should see the web builder entry and select reset password. If you are not familiar with logging into AMP, please see the following link: https://www.inmotionhosting.com/support/website/how-to/how-to-log-into-amp Best Regards, Scott M