Can't login at admin, opencart

  • Answered
Hi Guys,
I did a lot of changing in my current template and everything seemed to work well. But out of the blue i was unable to go to my admin screen, the following occured:

Notice: Error: Could not load template /var/www/vhosts/8/138959/webspace/httpdocs/! in /var/www/vhosts/8/138959/webspace/httpdocs/ on line 70

really not sure what to do, i looked around for like an hour to find some simulair casses but couldn't find it, can somebody push me in the right direction?


Thank you for your question jelleakkermar! Check the following file location. /system/engine/controller.php on line 70 It appears the code is referencing a file that is not there, has permissions problems, or is using code that is not working on your server anymore. Unfortunately, We cannot find your account with us to look at this error. If you could provide the steps to replicate and you account information to our tech support, we will be able to determine from the logs what happened. Unfortunately, this is a public forum and you will not want to post your private information here, Sorry for the trouble. Best regards, James R