I cannot connect to my site with the www prefix, only without

  • Answered
I am a complete newbie to this and i have run across my first snag. Didn't take long. I cannot seem to get my site to connect with the www. prefix, only without. I have read all i can find and what i am reading (possibly not understanding) is that it has to do with the DNS Zone CNAME ? I have looked into it and i cant seem to get it to work if it is set up as a type A or CNAME.
Hello JUFAJosh! We checked your DNS zone and the WWW cname is in there correctly. The DNS zone serial number ( 2013 04 29 04 ) shows it was edited today. When you make new DNS changes or have a new domain added to your cPanel, you will need to wait for DNS Propagation. Please allow up to 24 hours for the change to take effect. The WWW is a subdomain and can take longer to propagate than the domain without the WWW. Sorry for the trouble. Best regards, James R