My RSS feed is empty/not updated

  • Answered
I am checking my RSS feed, and it is either completely empty (if I use the reader "Shrook" on my iMac) or not updated since my last blog post on 12/24/14 (using Feedly on my iPhone). I have since published a new post on 12/29/14.

Both Feedly and Shrook are able to display other websites' RSS feeds, so these programs work fine.

This problem is urgent for me, since I get lots of referral traffic from a website that displays my RSS feeds. But it can't find any new blogposts if my RSS feed is empty.

I tried two different WP plugins that were supposed to fix RSS feed problems, but to no avail.

Help dearly appreciated

"Completely removing the plugin that you used for the maintenance page may be your best solution in resolving the issue."

I actually did that, to no avail.
Hello Florian,

Upon accessing your feed, it appears that you have some sort of maintenance page up which would prevent any RSS readers from viewing the feed. If you were unaware that it is showing a maintenance page, you will want to disable it and your RSS feeds should would correctly after it is removed. If this was intentional, I recommend you disable it and let us know when it is removed so that I can better take a look at your RSS feeds.

Best regards,