Hi InMotionFans,

open the file "vtigercron.php" in line 42 the code is:

if (php_sapi === "cli" || (isset ($ _ session ["authenticated_user_id"]) ....
changed to what appeared in the browser. in my case was "cgi-fcgi":
if (php_sapi === "cgi-fcgi" || (isset ($ _ session ["authenticated_user_id"])

And in Cpanel - Cron Job use this:

php -q /home/userna5/public_html/"your_root_or_folder_crm"/vtigercron.php
so it will be something similar to: /home/userna5/public_html/path/to/script, with "userna5" being your username.
If you need more about: https://discussions.vtiger.com/index.php?p=/discussion/170338/scheduler-cron-job-not-working-access-denied/p1

I hope this can help you...
Hello, Sorry to hear about your cron error. According to our Systems advisor the current format should not run. Please check the format against our article on how to set up Cron jobs. This should be more helpful for your situation. Kindest Regards, Scott M