Cron job Access Denied - Vtiger
I set a cron job following these guidelines:
The problem is that i receive an email with content "Access Denied!". The file has permissions 0755.
The command is:
sh /home/xxxxxx/public_html/crm/cron/
Can you tell me what's wrong?
I set a cron job following these guidelines:
The problem is that i receive an email with content "Access Denied!". The file has permissions 0755.
The command is:
sh /home/xxxxxx/public_html/crm/cron/
Can you tell me what's wrong?
open the file "vtigercron.php" in line 42 the code is:
if (php_sapi === "cli" || (isset ($ _ session ["authenticated_user_id"]) ....
changed to what appeared in the browser. in my case was "cgi-fcgi":
if (php_sapi === "cgi-fcgi" || (isset ($ _ session ["authenticated_user_id"])
And in Cpanel - Cron Job use this:
php -q /home/userna5/public_html/"your_root_or_folder_crm"/vtigercron.php
so it will be something similar to: /home/userna5/public_html/path/to/script, with "userna5" being your username.
If you need more about:
I hope this can help you...