I cannot restart courier IMAP service

  • Answered
Authentication for IMAP service fails. Webmail clients show:
ERROR: IMAP server closed the connection.
Server responded:* BYE Temporary problem, please try again later

Attempting to restart IMAP Server service in WHM results in following error:
ERROR: The system cannot update the /var/cpanel/sysinfo.config file because it cannot determine your distribution's major version.
Hello Bdodge, Apologies that you're getting the error with your IMAP service due to the version error. There was a recent update to cPanel which may not have occurred correctly on your VPS. Some research into the issue notes that the update may have not occurred correctly on your account. You will need to submit a verified support ticket to our live technical support team in order to have the issue fixed. cPanel indicates that something may have blocked the upgrade on your account. When I was looking for similar cases, I also found this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33420322/cron-jobs-error-in-cpanel" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">forum post also suggesting that the issue be handled by a correction in the upgrade. My apologies that we cannot directly correct that issue within the Support Center website, but if you send the issue into our live support team, they can have it corrected immediately. If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know. Regards, Arnel C.